Public Relations/Protocol


The Public Relations and Protocol Unit is responsible for developing and implementing public enlightenment and corporate communication strategies and activities for UBEC.


The Unit is headed by an Assistant Director, Public Relations (ADPR) who reports directly to the Executive Secretary and supervised by the Special Assistant to the Executive Secretary. The ADPR is assisted by a team of staff,he however, works closely with other Heads of Departments and  relevant officers in performing its functions.


The Unit seeks to build and sustain a positive image for the Commission as well as reinvigorate public trust and confidence in UBEC’s capacity to lead and mobilize Federal, State and LGA Agencies for the implementation of Basic Education programmes in the country. It has the responsibility of:

  • Managing the image of the Commission.
  • Maintains good relationship with the public to achieve set goals and objectives of the Commission.
  • Mediates between the Commission and the Public
  • Sustains and maintains information about the Commission
  • Produces newsletters and writes press releases on the activities of the Commission
  • Plans hitch free flight for both local and international travels 
  • Facilitates hotel reservations and transport
  • Shows hospitality to various guest to the Commission
  • Serves as advance team during advocacy/official visits to states
  • Monitors news stories, documentaries, and features articles of the Commission in the newspapers.
  • Anchor briefings, meetings and courtesy calls to the Commission.