Osahon U. Igbinoba was born in Benin city on the 20th of April 1966. He attended USP Primary school Benin in Benin city between 1973 and 1979, Western Boys high School Benin city between 1979 and 1984.
After his secondary school, he then proceeded to the University of Benin from 1986 to 1990 where he graduated with a BSc degree in computer science. He had his National youth service at the National Population Commission Borno state office from 1990-1991.
Upon completion of the mandatory NYSC, he was retained by the National Population Commission and posted to zone 7 Data Processing centre Kaduna as Programme Analyst II from September 1991 to December 1994. He then joined the defunct National Primary Education Commission (NPEC) now Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) as Programme Analyst I from January 1995. He rose through the ranks and was posted to Uyo south-south zonal office as Acting zonal director on May 22, 2019. He was promoted to zonal director in June 2021.
On the 24th of September 2021, he assumed duty in the Headquarters of the Commission as Director, Planning Research and Statistics. He is a fellow of Nigerian Institute of Management and a member of Computer Association of Nigeria. Osahon Igbinoba is happily married with Children.

Osahon U. Igbinoba
Director, Planning, Research and Statistics
The Planning, Research and Statistics (PRS) Department is a „‟Think Tank‟‟ of the Commission charged with the responsibility of providing technical and professional support services to the Commission and other basic education stakeholders towards improved efficient and effective service delivery.
The Department is responsible for the development of strategic plans for the advancement of Basic Education through careful and analytical research. The Department through the Education Management Information System (EMIS) Unit is charged with ensuring the educational data is collected, stored and retrieved in a timely and accurate manner for educational planning and decision making. The Department also serves as the hub which ensures the smooth running of the Commission‟s Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) process through its ICT Unit.
The Department is headed by the Director and is assisted by a Deputy Director and an Assistant Director. It comprises of 4 Units which include:
- Education Management Information System and Statistics (EMIS);
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT);
- Research and Publications; and
- Strategic Planning.
The following are the key functions carried out by the Department:
- Advising Management on acquisition, maintenance, utilization and updating of ICT facilities in the Commission.
- Setting standards and monitoring the progress of the Computer Centres at the SUBEBs as well as providing technical support on the development of EMIS at UBEC, SUBEB, LGEA and school levels.
- Designing and developing data collecting instruments, coordinating, and managing the basic education databank through collation, processing, and dissemination.
- Serving as a link between collaborating agencies and other stakeholders on ICT development, data management and other related issues.
- Coordinating the development of UBEC Action, Strategic and Rolling Plans.
- Coordinating UBEC‟s Work Plan and Budget.
- Organizing quarterly In-house Seminars for UBEC staff.
- Coordinating Action Research in identified areas of Basic Education.
- Collecting, collating, and editing of UBEC publications (Annual Report, UBE Journal and Basic Educationist).
- Managing research and development components of assisted projects by International Development Partners (IDPs).
- Serving as a Secretariat for Inter-Departmental Committee on Research and serving as Technical Partners on special research assignments.
- Providing professional and technical support to SUBEBs on the development of their Strategic Plans, data generation, analysis, dissemination and EMIS.
- Assisting the states in collaboration with BESDA in developing their State Medium Term Basic Education Strategic Plan (SMTBESP); and
- Carrying out any other functions as may be directed by the Executive Secretary from time to time.
The Department‟s major achievements and activities carried out during the year are as follows:
- Carried out monitoring and evaluation of the implementation compliance of the 2017-2019 States Medium Term Basic Education Strategic Plans (SMTBESPs) in all the 36 States and the FCT.
- Reviewed the 2017 – 2019 implementation of the SMTBESP.
- Conducted sensitization meeting for the development of the 2020 – 2023 State/National Medium Term Basic Education Strategic Plans (SMTBESP/NMTBESP).
- Managed the Commission‟s website, internet connectivity and computer systems maintenance;
- In-house development of relevant softwares for ease of implementation of programmes and activities carried out by the different Departments of the Commission.
- Reviewed States‟ Action Plans to ascertain their level of compliance with the SMTBESP.
- Publicized the Commission‟s activities through uploads on the Commission‟s website.
- Maintenance and troubleshooting of ICT systems in the Commission, system repairs and installation of Antivirus and Microsoft Office package.
- Collaborated with the Teacher Development Department in the FTS erecruitment exercise in November, 2020.
- Collated the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 school records from States.
- Sensitization and collaboration meeting with 36 SUBEBs and FCT – UBEB EMIS Desk Officers at Gujuda Hotel, Mararaba, Nasarawa State in February, 2020.
- Collation and harmonization of 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 Basic Education data from 36 SUBEBs and FCT – UBEB.
- Preparation of instrument for the conduct of validation of 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 Basic Education data from 36 SUBEBs and FCT – UBEB.
- Continuous dissemination of basic education data, distribution of 2018 National Personnel Audit (NPA) published report and other relevant documents to stakeholder and end users.
The Department was faced with the following challenges during the year in the course of executing its activities/programmes:
- Inadequate budgetary provision for activities of the Department.
- Low collaborations between Departments/Units in the Commission to ensure proper implementation of Strategic and Operational Plans.
- Inadequate professional training for staff of the Department.
- Closure of schools nationwide due to COVID-19 pandemic.
- Closure of government offices nationwide.
- Insufficient Office Space for members of staff.
The Department has scheduled to undertake the underlisted activities in the nearest future:
- Follow-up monitoring and evaluation of SUBEBs/FCT-UBEB compliance with the States‟ Medium Term Basic Education Strategic Plans (SMTBESPs) in the implementation process of their Action Plans; to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in Basic Education service delivery.
- Bi-annual meetings of the Directors in-charge of Strategic Planning in the SUBEBs/FCT-UBEB.
- Continuous and further collaboration with the International Development Partners (IDPs) and other stakeholders especially with SUBEBs/FCT-UBEB on Strategic Planning.
- Conduct of Quarterly In-house seminars.
- Capacity building of staff of the Department to enhance their performance and productivity.
- Collection and collation of materials for the publication of the [1] Annual Report and UBE Journal.
- Continuous dissemination of Basic Education data to stakeholders and other end-users.
- Validation of the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 school records.
- Sensitization of States on E-Government platforms.
- Sensitization of States on ICT policy for Basic Education and its implementation.
- Pilot Testing of data collection software.
- Training of UBEC technical officers and state technical committee on eData.
- Conduct of 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 validation of Basic Education data returns made to the Commission by SUBEBs and FCT-UBEB.
- Analysis of 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 Basic Education data.
- Generation of statistical tables and reporting 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 Basic Education data.
- Sustainability plan for collection of 2021 Basic Education data.
In the course of the year under review, the Departments has contributed its quota to the smooth running of the Commission and hopes to strengthen collaboration between other Departments, SUBEBs and other Stakeholders in the coming year.