On 19th November, 2024, Dr. Suwaiba Saad Ahmad, the Minister of State for Education, flagged off the training of 774 Education Secretaries from across the country at the UBEC Digital Resource Center (DRC) in Abuja. The training which was organised by the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) as part of its mandate. Dr. Hamid Bobboyi, Executive Secretary, UBEC in his remarks, stated that the Education Secretaries oversee the schools and teachers within their purview and play important roles in the execution of education policy in their respective Education Authorities. For this reason, it is crucial that they be included in any educational program to achieve successful and efficient outcomes.
The training was held in six different locations throughout the nation: Enugu, which had participants from the southeast states; Bauchi, which had participants from the northeast; Kaduna, which had participants from the northwest; Uyo, which had participants from the south-south zone; and the FCT Center, which had participants from the north-central states.
Among other things, the training is supposed to increase the Education Secretaries’ awareness of the UBE program, the Ministerial Strategic Plan and its deliverables, and their ability to play a part in the successful execution of the 2023/2024 Teacher Professional Development (TPD) program. #educationforallistheresponsibilityofall